Back In Action

Holy smokes, it’s only been like 7 years or something crazy like that! Truth is I’ve thought about firing this old blog up many times so it’s time to finally get it done. A lot has happened in 7 years. I completed my two residencies, passed all 6 board certification exams…yes, 6; 2 of which were in person in Florida…I guess that explains a few years of not actually doing this. I have since lived in Los Angeles, Raleigh, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Ohio (such a tiny town no one would know but I oddly loved it because their park system was top notch and the trails were a mix of forest and prairie…but that wind! brrr), back to Raleigh, and now happily I recently ended up in the Land of Enchantment: New Mexico!

It’s been a wild 3 years. I was in Raleigh for 3 years and left because I hated it and wanted to go back out west so to Phoenix I went: saguaros, gila monsters, sunsets oh my!

Naturally, the company I worked for got bought out 6 months later. I stuck around for another 5 months but something just didn’t seem right…like we were acquired just to get rid of the competition but they didn’t really need us. I got a phone call from someone in Nevada who almost bought the company and asked me to work for them so I did. Six weeks later the company who acquired us went through and fired some people and gave the rest ultimatums about their new job and pay cut or severance and the door. I don’t know what my fate would have been but I was glad I went where I did though I’m not sure it turned out much better hahaha.

Nevada was great! I loved living there. Its so close to anything: 4 hours to the beach, 2 hours to Utah through the most amazing gorge, close to Zion, Tushars mountains, 2 hours to Death Valley, 3 hours to Mt. Whitney, less than one hour to Mt. Charleston, 3 hours to Joshua Tree, 5 hours to Phoenix…literally anywhere. Day trips leave you feeling like you traveled for 10 hours because you can get to any landscape you want. Anyway, I didn’t see eye to eye with the person in charge and that was the end of that. Sometimes you just have to deal with it but neither of us could deal with each other.

Morning trail times in Sloan Canyon before work
Sunset/moonrise hikes were abundant

Ever since I lived in Phoenix, someone in Ohio had been trying to get me to work for them so I sought that out and took the job. I had a GREAT time living in Ohio. Truly loved it. I was in the part that didn’t really get snow…just a little bit here and there; enough to enjoy it and then it was gone. The trails were delightful, the rain brought fun mud, foggy mornings were abundant, everyone minded their own business and didn’t care what anyone else was doing…no keeping up with the joneses. Beautiful. My only complaint was that there wasn’t anywhere to get a good meal if I needed help with dinner now and then. But that is not a bad complaint.

And then the pandemic hit and my job went to hell and it was handled horribly. I tried and reached out and lasted 4 months after the start of the pandemic and then left that place in a ball of flames (not literally but I burned a bridge and can never work for them again I’m sure hahaha but it’s ok, I thought hard about it before it happened). That is how I ended up back in Raleigh at my old job…I needed help and so did they. We helped each other, I didn’t need any training period and was able to just jump in and make that money. Sadly it wasn’t the same job that I left. So I left…again. It was a fun 14 months though, seeing friends and camping on islands and even having a roommate for 3 months at the end preparing for a lease-less departure whenever it would come. But that place is NOT for me. I don’t like it but I was prepared to stay for the job and even looked into buying a house and even put an offer on one. Luckily that didn’t happen and it all happens for a reason.

Finally the stars aligned and through some act of god the timing was right and I found a job that rarely exists for our field in a city I always said I would live in if it came to it. I LOVE this city: the people are friendly, every restaurant I’ve been to/looked at menu online has vegan options (I’m not totally but I typically reserve dairy for snacks and naughty deserts and have a steak every other month with eggs a few times a year when I get the craving), it’s easy to get around, and just like Vegas you can drive 20 minutes out of the city and be in the middle of nowhere with no one around. NM is the 6th least dense state with only 17 people per square mile…such a refreshing change from Raleigh which has something like 180 people per square mile.

The last three years since the acquisition finally make sense and I’m happy that I didn’t resist the change and went where the world told me to go…because if it hadn’t been for that July day in NC this would have never come to fruition. This job will never be acquired, they don’t hound you about how much you bill monthly (yes, a true part of healthcare in America), and it’s an actual team. In the interview I had a horrible question and answer session with everyone there about stressful situations…literally like 15 questions of giving scenarios hahaha aaaaaah. I was discussing interdisciplinary communication in the field and how horrible it is with certain departments and the head of that department was there and said that they work as a team here and collaborate. Yeah, ok, lady…sure. But afterwards one of the employees came up to me and said: I have no idea what you are talking about with all of that because it doesn’t happen here and it sounds horrible. Music to my ears. And there are actual benefits! It’s amazing how working in the healthcare field, healthcare has been the most stressful thing about it. I feel taken care of and safe with the benefits it’s delightful. I had to have an appt with occupational health and she was talking about when to see them and mentioned a work related injury or even non-work to see about continuing duties. I got nervous and asked: what if I get very injured like I fall off a trail or something? She said: we find another position that you can do until you can return to your position. I said: what if I can’t return to it? She replied: then we permanently replace you in the company. Whaaaaat?!?!??!?! That has been a huge stress as any job I have had if you have a major illness don’t expect to have a job when you come back. Also, maternity leave. It’s never been a big deal for me because that’s not a part of my life plan but I know people at my last job who plan to quit when it’s their time because it’s just all so ridiculous.

Anyway, that’s that. I have tried to link a new blog to this one since they won’t let me change the name but I can’t figure out, naturally. It’s time for a tune up and new page anyway but a lot has changed with technology so I’m cautiously optimisitic. I’ll keep working on it and share when it’s ready…do people even read these things anymore?! I know my friend Lisa is out there reading: hi Lisa! 😀

Also, I didn’t even have my cats at the time of the last post! i picked up these cool cats right before i left LA for raleigh. they showed up on the doorstep, i got them spayed/neutered and then me, the cats, and Lisa drove for ten days to NC with everything I own in my Mazda3. They are true adventure cats and I’m so thankful to have them.

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